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Six Life Lessons To A New You | @wazzuptonight

Breaking old habits and creating new ones are one of my favorite struggles with every day life. In order to learn one must began. There is a starting line and a end with everything we do. and Here is where you began…………


As we grow in age, so do our habits. Some good and some bad. We live in a world were if you don’t get a certain amount of “likes” you aren’t good enough, and you began to doubt who you are as an individual. Not only do we have to deal with the pressure of the outside world, but we also have to deal with our own personal insecurities.


So what do you do when you feel stuck or you’re wanting to start over and you just don’t know how? Here is a list of Six Life Lessons to a New You!


1. Practice Self Love

Before you can practice Self Love, you have to first understand what self-love is. Self-love is understating that you are a person of value, and that you are worthy of any and all things. Self-love is a reflection of who you believe you are at all times. In order to truly tap into your true feelings, set yourself up for success and say daily affirmations to yourself within the first fifteen minutes of waking up. Tell yourself “I am beautiful” or “I am fearless” to get your day started. Avoid what you want and only go after what you need. When you stay focused on your needs you avoid behavior patterns that set you up for failure. Set boundaries and protect yourself at all times, that doesn’t mean push people away because they say hi, that means understand the things you will and will not accept and stick to your morals and values as a person no matter the challenge. Pick a day during the week and dress over the top, be your own favorite celebrity for the day. You are your biggest cheerleader!  


2. Don’t expect different results when you still have the same habits

Figure out the problem, learn from it and shake it up. Choose something to substitute in place of the habit. Try planning ahead, what works for me is setting daily reminders on my phone were its forced to go off or I’m forced to see it on my screen. You can also cut out as many triggers as possible, block numbers for that old ex who keeps coming back every 2-3 months, go to the gym to relive stress or maybe even join clubs or daily groups that help you focus. Whatever it may be visualize yourself succeeding and turn it into something new without being afraid. The fear of not knowing is what’s holding you back from breaking those old habits. Are you ready to break them? You never know until you try. Perseverance is Everything!!

3. Understand your finances

Are you a saver or a borrower and do you owe more than you own? By understanding your income, your debts, assets and your money spent going out, you can now begin to understand your finances. By creating a weekly or a monthly budget tool (planner) it allows you to see your spending habits. Everything I spend I write down, from my $2.41 coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts every morning to my commute to and from work. At the end of the week I sit down and total up the money spent, compared to the money coming in and the money I save. Try and save five to ten percent of your income no matter what new consumer items hit the stores. Gain debts that create value such as business or education. And also educate yourself on your credit score. Unless your “Balling like you play for New England” having good credit goes a long way. I learned that from the Boss Chick Herself Sunshine Williams who educated me on finances and life when she wrote the book “The 10 Commandments of a Boss Chick”


4. Make yourself TOP priority

Many people including myself are wrapped around earning a living and taking care of our families we forget to take care of ourselves first. We forget we have hobbies we enjoy and we simply need to allow ourselves time to pursue our passions, and do the small things we enjoy without feeling selfish when we do them. Making yourself a priority once a day or at least once or twice a week allows time for healing, renewal, and it allows you to keep your individuality alive. Go to the salon to get your hair or nails done, to the barbershop for a cut and chop it up with the fellas. Do something you love because it’s your time for you and no one can interrupt it unless it’s urgent. Try once a week, starting off even if it’s sitting in your room with the lights off in silence just to think. If your minds not right, it’s hard for everything else to follow suite.


5. Become more social

For a radio personality people think it’s easy to get out there and connect with others. Granted that’s my personality but it’s a lot harder than it looks. Remind yourself that your network is your NET WORTH so for the year 2018 make a promise to yourself that you will get out the house and attend an event once a week (if your schedule allows). Practice your people skills, understand and learn your insecurities, and write down your top qualities. Are you a great listener? Specific topics you enjoy speaking about and are you in the right setting that allows you to be yourself? Figure out your comfort level and forget your fear of rejections. But remember I did tell you your popping so what’s there to be afraid of?


6. Excuse the wrong people (Dead Weight and Pop Ups)

We all have the people who pop up when they need something or who drain you when you hang out with them emotionally and mentally. Not all friendships are meant to last forever, and not everyone who comes in your life is worth staying around. The friends who are unreliable, have zero ambition and are jealous of you (a few examples) are friends who need to go. Take control of negative conversations when they take place, or simply stop answering calls. Explain to them you’ve had enough and that you need either a break or you don’t see this relationship worth holding on to. Everyone in your contact list should be someone positive It’s okay to have a breaking point or to be fed up with those who hold on to you for all the wrong reasons.


Now that you have been provided the six tools to a better you. Apply them! Tell yourself that you are strong daily, break down those old habits one by one, create a weekly planner for your spending habits, take an hour of the day for some personal time, become comfortable with being uncomfortable (meet some new friends and network), and last but not least, remove those people whose season in your life has now expired. You can and you will become a better you … so, START NOW!


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