New Music: @AyRockMusic- Dreams

Rapper Ay-Rock teams up with renown producer Yonni, best known for his work with Lil Wayne (“Mo Fire”) and Trey Songz (“Say Ahh”) for his new track “Dreams” off of his upcoming album titled The Grey Area.

In the uptempo gritty inspirational track, we find Ay-Rock flexing his lyrical abilities about his come up and dreams about $100 million dollar goals. It’s quite clear that his mind is set on being the best in the game while reaping the benefits in the process. With a combination of Rock’s flow paired with Yonni’s production, “Dreams” has a chance of escalating to major radio and club play across the country — trending to be that #1 hit song. His “Dreams” may just come true!

Ay-Rock also dropped a lyric video in support of the new single.

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Lyric Video:

Twitter: @AyRockMusic @OfficialYonni

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